Audio Research Dac 2 Vs the Audio Research Dac 7


Thinking about Upgrading to either the AR Dac 2 or the Dac 7.

I live in the sticks and don't have the chance to listen to either so I go by reviews and Input from you good folks .

Please give me your thoughts on either piece and Thanks!

I have gotten most of my equipment that way and its worked out great ! Most folks are honest. If I didnt like it I would just resale it!
If you try to buy anything without audition, then you had better buy used one.

Even if you resell it, it will cost less.

Owned a CD2 player years ago so I’m guessing the DAC 2 is similar. I imagine between the DAC 2 and 7 there’s a substantial price difference. Curious why these are your only two options?  Be good to share your budget as there’s probably a lot of units that are a better buy than ARC. What are you using for a transport or streamer?
Save your cash and get a Topping D50 DAC ($350). Compared to the over-priced ARC gear, the French Chef says "No diffawrance!"

I have a Schiit DAC but all other gear is ARC.  I am getting curious if I should try an ARC DAC and feel just as you, OP!  I don't mind a bit to buy used at a reasonable price and resell if it doesn't work out.  Why are people always so judgmental on here???  You asked for a comparison, not..."should I do this".  

What did you end up trying and what are you listening to nowadays?