Ideal design for a new music room

I'm designing a new house which will include a room dedicated to enjoying stereo music reproduction. In my experience, room acoustics have a huge effect on the sound in any particular room.

I'm interested in ideal dimensions, structural materials and finishes. Any experiences and stories anyone?

The music I mostly enjoy is classical, including organ, choral, chamber, solo instruments and orchestral. 
It's like a dream comes true. One thing which matters a lot that its construction does not disturb your music.
Yes, make acoustic.

If anyone (other than bots) is still following this topic, you might be interested in Robert Harley's new article in TAS detailing his experiences in creating a new listening room. 

Interesting article!Having done quite a bit of diy in my home my back and arms almost ached in sympathy as he wrote about doing the ceiling.I think the cost was reasonable also.A custom built room for any type of hobby could easily cost much more in custom built ins,woodwork,and furnishings.
Assuming you are serious. Stop fretting about perfect dimensions and focus on designing a room that will facilitate making the great sound you want. Don’t somply go for the largest room. Realize that bass traps are inevitable as is the need for diffusion. What size area and what ceiling height is practicable for you?
Robert Harley's current TAS article is a wonderful report about his design and construction of a DIY stereo reproduction room. Thanks very much for sharing so much practical detail.

This discussion thread has been very helpful for anyone with the luxury of being in a position to design for the construction of a new room. Thanks to all.

One subject I still wonder about: ventilation. What is the best way to keep the air fresh and comfortable through four seasons and not compromise the acoustics?