Pure Class A amps above 100 Watts?

What are the best options in Pure Class A amps above at least 100 watts in 8 ohms? The ones I know of are:

1) Pass Labs XA100.5
2) Pass Labs XA100.8 (and above)
3) Accuphase A-200
4) Soulution 530

Any others? Im trying to keep it under $10K, which the first two options can be had for used.

Gryphon Antileon Evo monoblocks 175w Class-A, I believe will trump all others


Then if you don't have the funds for them you get the Antileon Evo stereo, with 150w Class-A


And then Mephisto and Colosseum and so on 
Cheers George
Clayton Audio
M200 monos - 200/400 wpc into 8/4 ohms
M300 monos - 300/600 wpc into 8/4 ohms
S2000 stereo amp - same as two M300s in one huge case
My dealer AV Therapy in Nashua NH has a demo Plinius SA-103 amp 125 wpc class A. It can also switch to A/B to run cooler. Also Upscale Audio is selling the same amp currently. Excellent amp heard it w/Pardigm Persona's and KEF Blade 2's.
Atma-Sphere MA-1, 140 watts/8 ohms. Its class A2, a class of operation not available to solid state. You can probably find one used in that price range.