What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?

What is the best solid state amplifier you have ever heard?
As already mentioned, an insurmountable degree of variables to answer properly. For entertainment value and in no particular order: Mark Levinson 29, Audio Research 100.2 and Pass Labs Aleph 30. Yes, I have owned all three over time and am currently using the Aleph 30. Have I listened to every amp on the planet, of course not. Are there better amplifiers, of course.
Ayre MX-R Twenty
My other favorite amps are either tubed or hybrid (ARC, Aesthetix)
N.E.W. DCA-33 battery powered, 33 watts per.Real nice sounding solid state amp!I keep one around as backup for my tube amps, sounds great with my Sonist Concerto 4's!

Spectral Audio amplifier :)
At very first listen it revealed the coloured sound from other top contenders of 200 watts and up. I was amazed at the completely different level of overall refinement and level power output.