Pure Class A amps above 100 Watts?

What are the best options in Pure Class A amps above at least 100 watts in 8 ohms? The ones I know of are:

1) Pass Labs XA100.5
2) Pass Labs XA100.8 (and above)
3) Accuphase A-200
4) Soulution 530

Any others? Im trying to keep it under $10K, which the first two options can be had for used.

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Sure, If you really want to rock find a pair of Parasound JC-1s. First 25 to 50 watts are class A then there is another 300 watts in reserve just in case you want to get Gary Clark Jr's volume right. These amps spent 15 years on Stereophile's recommended list. Longer than any single component in history. There are very few amps that can match the effortless power these amps provide and yet still have the airy lightness of a tube amp. And as a bonus they can drive anything. Only amps costing 3-4 times as much can compete. 
If you're willing to buy used a Krell KSA 300S is one of the best implementations of pure Class A topology. 300 watts @ 8 ohms, 1200 watts @ 2 ohms. You could buy one and have it restored/recapped and still have room in your budget.