Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K

I have never played in the high-eff speaker / low-powered amp space, but I've read so many things that I would like to give it a try. I own an EAR 859 integrated amplifier, De Paravicini's interpretation of SET. It's pretty incredible, especially if you consider its price tag. I am now in the business of choosing the right speaker. I listen to a lot of jazz and vocals and opera. So, I can do without the sub-40HZ frequency range. I would like to stay between $3K to $7K, certainly below $10K. Here are the options i am considering:

1) Zu Audio Essence.
2) Beauhorn Virtuoso (single driver)
3) KCS louspeakers (the model that uses the SEAS exotic driver)
4) Devore Gibbons 8
5) Living voice Avatar

If I had to choose right now, I'd go with the Beauhorn, but I know their limitations.

Any thoughts/personal experiences with the above or any other speakers in this range? Thanks.
Thank you Isochrnism. I know that there is no substitution for an audition but one of the shortcomings that single driver speakers seem to be labeled with is that the do a relatively poor job of reproducing dynamics and complex passages. Did you listen to any challenging music e.g., large scale orchestra?
One of my friend's favorite references is Stravinsky Rite Of Spring w/ Valery Gergiev Kirkov Orchestra. I was VERY impressed, to say the least.
The Vaughn Cabernet and the Coincident Technologies Reference Extreme both have great reviews that make them sound very similar. They also seem to be mentioned together in these forums. Could somebody who has heard both, make a comparison? The Reference Extreme is much more expensive. Is it that much better?
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The Coincident Pure Reference and the Vaughn Cabernet are in two different leagues. As nice a speaker the Cabernet is,it doesn't nor would anyone expect it to be as good. It is not a bargain Pure Reference.The Super Victory would be a better comparison with the Cabernet.
