I think you have got a bit confused about the "vault". Sony, Warners, BMG all have vast temperature and humidity controlled vaults, where they keep the original multi-track and stereo mix down MASTERS. These never leave the record company.
Copies (in their hundreds) were made by the record company and sent all around the world to record pressing plants. When these record pressing plants went bust in the 80/90s, the copies (production/distribution masters) were just put into skips/dumpsters. Some of these got rescued, preserved, and now find their way onto the market.
I think you have got a bit confused about the "vault". Sony, Warners, BMG all have vast temperature and humidity controlled vaults, where they keep the original multi-track and stereo mix down MASTERS. These never leave the record company.
Copies (in their hundreds) were made by the record company and sent all around the world to record pressing plants. When these record pressing plants went bust in the 80/90s, the copies (production/distribution masters) were just put into skips/dumpsters. Some of these got rescued, preserved, and now find their way onto the market.