Elizabeth has offered good advice about just finding something you like and not worrying about if there is something "better" out there. There is too vast an array of candidates to hear even a small fraction of what is out there. Also, in time, your own taste will change.
As to your question about floorstanders vs. bookshelf speakers, I have heard many small, compact systems that sound very good. But, none of them sound that good used as "bookshelf" speakers--they all sound better on speaker stands set off some distance from nearby walls. I've heard very expensive speakers which where put into wall units or mounted in the walls themselves, and only those specifically designed for in-wall location sounded reasonably good.
A compact, stand mounted speaker can compete soundwise with a tall floorstanding model. For example, ProAc has a floorstander DT8 which is about the same price as their small stand-mounted speaker the D2 (the D2 is a little bit less but requires a good stand so the costs are comparable). Both sound very good for the money, but, if it were my dollars being spent, I would go with the D2. The Harbeth line also offers stand-mounted speakers that sound very good. If your taste runs to warmer sounding speakers, you must make an effort to hear Audio Note compact speakers.
As to your question about floorstanders vs. bookshelf speakers, I have heard many small, compact systems that sound very good. But, none of them sound that good used as "bookshelf" speakers--they all sound better on speaker stands set off some distance from nearby walls. I've heard very expensive speakers which where put into wall units or mounted in the walls themselves, and only those specifically designed for in-wall location sounded reasonably good.
A compact, stand mounted speaker can compete soundwise with a tall floorstanding model. For example, ProAc has a floorstander DT8 which is about the same price as their small stand-mounted speaker the D2 (the D2 is a little bit less but requires a good stand so the costs are comparable). Both sound very good for the money, but, if it were my dollars being spent, I would go with the D2. The Harbeth line also offers stand-mounted speakers that sound very good. If your taste runs to warmer sounding speakers, you must make an effort to hear Audio Note compact speakers.