Thank you Pokey,
It does appear this topic stirs passions? I would like to say I never claimed to have paid $4K for a cable, but if I decided to that would be my personal business. My quest is to find one that is considered the best based on others experiences. For those who believe there isn't a difference, I don't begrudge them of their beliefs but it seems a bit counterproductive to come on a thread and assume others do not based on data that they believe is the gospel.
With that stated, I hope we can get back on topic and leave the point-counterpoint banter and simply give helpful advice (and ignore it altogether if you can't).
It does appear this topic stirs passions? I would like to say I never claimed to have paid $4K for a cable, but if I decided to that would be my personal business. My quest is to find one that is considered the best based on others experiences. For those who believe there isn't a difference, I don't begrudge them of their beliefs but it seems a bit counterproductive to come on a thread and assume others do not based on data that they believe is the gospel.
With that stated, I hope we can get back on topic and leave the point-counterpoint banter and simply give helpful advice (and ignore it altogether if you can't).