Where are the subs?

In listening to the Bach Toccata and Fugue BMV 565, I was struck by how well the organ pedal notes are reproduced since I moved my primary setup to another room. I complemented myself on a fine job of integrating the Velodyne HGS-10 subs with the KEF Ref 1s, using 40 Hz low-pass with 24 dB/octave. But as I thought about it, I didn’t recall connecting the SMS-1 bass manager to the Ayre KX-5 Twenty preamp. I checked. The subs were not connected. The Ref 1s alone where reproducing that satisfying bass. Amazing for stand mounted monitors. I sure as hell didn’t expect that. To confirm, I played the Saint-Seans 3rd Symphony. Same result. Makes me wonder if I need bother connecting the subs.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Are you certain you're not actually hearing the first harmonic of each pedal tone? We don't hear 16Hz, we feel it.
I'm not certain at all, just surprised by what I heard from stand-mounted monitors.  It was not that subtle more-felt-than-heard sense the KEF Ref 107/2s are capable of.
dbphd, better room for bass. If you want the most out of your subs put them right in the corners and cross them over higher, 100 Hz at least.
Play with it. It might take some work to get it sounding right but I am sure you can make further improvements not just in the bass but the lower midrange also. 
Using the long port, KEF states it can get to 30Hz in-room at -6dB, so not much of a surprise.

However, audio <40Hz that needs real power is best handled by a subwoofer.

Despite the specs. I highly doubt your 10” sealed subwoofer can get to 25Hz anechoically.

Play the opening scene of the movie Edge of Tomorrow, that is an amazing test on the bass extension of your setup, it goes down to 10Hz (start with the volume low to prevent potential damage).