Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?

Please consult this link and try to stay in the
or tread lightly in the blue areas.

Even in a vegetative state you's be quite engaging. 😄

All the best,

Yes! Shoot the messenger. That way, you will never have to see the message.

nonoise ... What are the lies of which you speak? I didn’t hear any lies coming from the person in the video. Also, the corruption you alluded to is exactly what we need to get rid of. It is in both parties, the media and academia as well. Do some research on California’s UC system for starters. You’ll be shocked. From there, move on to the Los Angeles Unified School District for more shocking details.

It's not so much lies as half truths. We all spy on each other. We're no angels in that regard. Some cry for free markets but there's no such thing, and there will never be.

Some cry out for capitalism to rule the day yet forget that Adam Smith based his economic model with the proviso that it's all done to protect domestic markets, but go to any Chamber of Commerce office with a business plan and they'll instruct you on how to go to Asia to have it made and American taxpayers will foot the bill for your move.

You can't demand allegiance to a country and then abandon it when it suits markets. Yet, that is what our business leaders do, on a regular basis. 30% of the shareholders in American corporations are foreigners. About the same amount got that big tax break that benefited the already filthy rich. Look online and see how much land in America is foreign owned, which unless we nationalize it (how commie like) we'll never get it back.

All the best,


I don’t believe @nonoise intended any slight toward you, maybe the person in the video (which I have yet to see if it is referenced in the link to Breitbart) but not you.

I again pose a familiar question, why is everyone so angry? Is there considerable surprise that our fellow citizens of the world are capable of dishonesty? Surely not. Politicians? Surely not. TV repairmen? Lawn services? Surely not.

If we would all commit to vote our conscience, not our self interests but our conscience, then our elected officials may begin to resemble ladies and gentlemen of character. I won’t comment on a particular politician or party, things like that can be a slippery slope. I am concerned that future elections will be decided by those casting votes who get their news and information from a single source. People, please read alot and from a broad variety of opinions. Think about what you have read and use your own intelligence to make up your own mind. You shouldn’t want Steve Bannon or Steve Jobs charting your path any more than you should want Jeff Bezos or Jeff Beck.

Donald Trump almost won the popular vote and without diving into politics at all, just observations, I was kind of surprised that America elected a president who went broke in the casino business. Do you realize how hard it is to lose when the odds are stacked in your favor? Term limits would be nice. People with good intentions on both sides of the aisle get elected and immediately they are in grave danger of experiencing a gradual but steady erosion of their character.

The main point of this post though is, if you believe you are a good person, then go do some good. Help 1 person today, help feed the hungry, mentor a child or someone less fortunate, go volunteer at a soup kitchen. Maybe it will catch on. People of character having a great day helping others become impervious to the negative schlock and bitterness that pervades. The more we give, the more value will be placed on giving and maybe, just maybe, people will begin to care less about what they are getting or entitled to.

Isn't it obvious why the prices are high and getting higher, Chinese tariffs or not ? Tariffs on European products are in the making too, as I understand. Besides steel. Corruption is the norm, lack of it should be punished and it is punished.