I apologize if anything I've written has come off as a lecture. That was not my intent. I've just noticed alot of your postings seem angry but many of those posts were deleted by the moderators, maybe at your request. Anyway, my apologies.
Now I will take issue with "dilettante" which is intended to convey that there is no knowledge to back up the statements. In the immortal words of Bob Newhart, "I would never mean to denigrate you, which by the way means to put down".
If you are angry and miserable, its highly likely it didn't happen over night and it may also be likely that you are exactly as you have intended. If that's the case, my apologies for trying to spread a little sunshine. Nothing worse than a happy SOB bouncing in and spoiling the fun.
I like it...to bring it back to audio, didn't Bob Marley record something about shooting the tariff?
I apologize if anything I've written has come off as a lecture. That was not my intent. I've just noticed alot of your postings seem angry but many of those posts were deleted by the moderators, maybe at your request. Anyway, my apologies.
Now I will take issue with "dilettante" which is intended to convey that there is no knowledge to back up the statements. In the immortal words of Bob Newhart, "I would never mean to denigrate you, which by the way means to put down".
If you are angry and miserable, its highly likely it didn't happen over night and it may also be likely that you are exactly as you have intended. If that's the case, my apologies for trying to spread a little sunshine. Nothing worse than a happy SOB bouncing in and spoiling the fun.
I like it...to bring it back to audio, didn't Bob Marley record something about shooting the tariff?