Best multi channel amp and processor good for 2 channel listening.

Hi All,

I am new to this forum and have a few questions in reference to HT processors.  I am starting from scratch and switching from a Krell S-1000 and S-1500.  I sold the processor a few months back and I going to list here the amp.

I am currently considering the new Bryston 9B3 and the SP4 and decision was based on upgrade ability and warranty. The speakers for HT will be Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home and for 2 channel Verity Otello’s.  My second choice was Classe but I was informed that they have all sales on hold, this is concerning.  I have not listened to either, my choice is based on reviews and the Bryston dealer.  My decision was also based they are both good for two channel, I am not set on this but it will help the budget and space.  I am looking for a warm and good over all sound; some might say 3 dimensional sound, clarity is also a factor.  Actually, all I’ve read in reference to Classe fits the bill.  I would like a couple of other choices to include in my short list and opinions are welcome. The budget for the processor and amp is approx. 22k.  

Thanks to all.....

There are many great interconnects and most people have different preferences. To give an example @caphill likes Shunyata, which are great cables, others I know say they think their interconnects sound dull.  Same goes for all the manufacturers.  It's all about preference and synergy.

I like AudioQuest myself, recently moved up to the WEL interconnect and it changed the entire characteristic of my system.  Has to be the most balanced and natural cable I have heard.  Switching from Earth (copper) or Fires (mid-level silver) to the WELs was like going from digital to analog.  First time I have ever had a single component make so much of a difference.  Though it's hard to demo these cables since retail is so high, it takes patience to find them on the used market at a decent price.  

I haven't heard WireWorld but it comes highly recommend form many, especially their Platinum Eclipse 8.  I am considering getting a pair at some point to try out.

Nordost are great, though I felt their low-to-mid level v1 cables were a bit thin sounding in my system, though moving up the line balances things more.  Their new v2 versions I have been told are more balanced.  Cost is probably on the higher side as far as cables go.

Would agree with caphill, if you are sticking with Transparent speaker cables then maybe start with their interconnects.  Helps also to start somewhere so you have a basis to compare other manufacturers down the road unless you can demo different cables at home.
As usual, I always recommend cables that use solid-core conductors because my testing has shown these are superior with a more natural and solid sound (no pun intended).  As far as I know, Audioquest typically uses 21awg solid-core conductors in all their interconnects.  It's a great option for a manufactured cable.

Wire World is also an excellent option.  I have heard the Wire World Eclipse XLR cable in my system and it is a very neutral and natural sounding cable.  It is just a tiny bit laid back (but only in comparison to my reference hand-made OCC copper Furutech Rhodium XLR).  You can always go to the silver-clad "Silver Eclipse" model if you want a silver-clad cable that is faster and higher resolution. 

Also, I always recommend adding silver elements ONE AT A TIME in a system.  Even though many people recommend silver, it is very easy to go over that line with too much silver and all of a sudden you have a system that sounds artificial and is not as engaging.

I like both Transparent cables and Shunyata, but I prefer Transparent cables especially for both of my dedicated reference two-channel setups/systems and found that they are better choices for my reference two-channel setup/system and have great synergy with all my 2ch equipments. So In both of my dedicated reference stereo setups/systems I’m using all Transparent cablings : Transparent Magnum Opus (last gen) speaker cables, XLR interconnects, power cables and phono cables for my turntable. For digital cables I’m using a combination of Transparent Ref XL & Premium. But for AC power products I’m using Shunyata Research Hydra Typhon QR / Triton combo for both of my dedicated reference stereo setups / systems.

However, for my dedicated reference home theater room (setup) I’m using all Shunyata Research Sigma cablings (speaker cables for front LCR & surrounds, XLR analog interconnects, power cables) and Shunyata Delta speaker wires for my in-ceiling Atmos speakers and found them to be a better match for my dedicated HT gears.
For HDMI cables I’m using a Nordost Valhalla 2 HDMI and a Transparent Premium HDMI.
For AC power product for this dedicated theater setup room I’m using 2 Audioquest Niagara 7000.

I agree with auxinput’s comment to get cables that use solid core conductors.

Maguiar, you will also need to take care of your AC line for your hifi electronics. You should get a dedicated and upgraded AC line for your hifi electronics to make sure you have a clean incoming AC line, and get a good quality AC power product. Shunyata & Audioquest Niagara are among the good ones eg Shunyata Hydra or Denali products as well as Audioquest Niagara 7000 or 5000.


What do you think about the Furman for AC power? I was informed it is a very good product for the money and has good reviews. I was considering the Niagara 5000 but only if I can get a good deal on it.

To me personally I believe the AC power product is even more important than overly priced interconnects. I am not going cheap on cables but I cannot go into thousands of dollars for cables. I am going to give my Transparent musicwave speaker cables a shot and find something reasonable for my interconnects.
I actually did a test once and switched out the Transparent cables for cables that were sold by the foot and never heard a difference. I am looking for something reasonable that makes sense to me.