Med. 2 Way + great acoustics are better than a super speaker or a sub

I got nothing more to say. :)

Sorry, what I meant to say is, given a choice, a medium sized 2-way in a great sounding room will outperform all other options in a poor room. 

That doesn't mean I don't envy those who can have it all. A mega speaker, with great acoustics, or a 2-way with great acoustics and a sub. :)  

 Are you referring to Lowther Medallion 2 speakers?  

@noble100  Never heard them. 

Only in your imagination. :(

@douglas_schroeder  Please respond with personal experience directly related so we can enjoy your point of view more fully. 

Eric, you ALWAYS have something to say !

@mrdecibel  This past month I've left at least 3 or 4 threads here alone. Entirely. 

Erik must be contentedly enjoying his system today 😀And feeling smug.

Hah, but nope, it was more of a head slapping moment when I altered my room acoustics and repeated the "aha!" moment when it all sounds really good again. 


Can't really comment on super speakers due to my limited experience, but I would go with a vintage class Ohio sub any day of the week over any single piece of hi-fi gear.  Sadly, even without the nuke missles, I'd have to dip into my retirement savings to afford the upkeep.
there are a awful lot of offal m2w that no amount of room treatment will ever make listenable

Name a couple you don't like and a couple you do so we have some sort of frame of reference?


@erik_squires -  " Sorry, what I meant to say is, given a choice, a medium sized 2-way in a great sounding room will outperform all other options in a poor room. "

Agree 100%, with this caveat- any speaker design, in a great sounding room. will outperform all others in a poor room.
The room (and the setup) will determine AT LEAST 50% of the sound.
Erik, I know you are just as big a proponent of setup and treatment as I am, but it seems most aren't.
Way too many people spend too much on gear and not enough on treatment and a meticulous setup, IMO.
