Auralic Lightning DS App

Would any current users please comment on their experience? I'm considering a Vega G1 Streamer-Dac and the app ease of use is very important to me. I don't own a Lumin device and their app looks fairly intuitive and featured.
I have Vega G1 and like the Lightning DS app. In fact I did a short trial using Roon with the Vega G1 and dropped Roon because I liked the free Lightning DS app better, at least for my purposes.
I have been using an Auralic Aries for quite some time and continue to use the Lightning DS app. I have tried other apps as well including Linn Kinsky which isn't bad at all and Roon which was just too much of a bother as I didn't like how it catalogued my music library.
The lightning app is about the best app to control an Auralic product with although I do dislike IOS software in general.

You can also control it with Bubbleupnp from android devices if you do not like Apple devices.

Not quite as intuitive but still gets the job done. 

I used both for an Aries Mini until I sold and went with a super integrated and had no need of a separate streaming unit any longer.

One point to bear in mind the Lightning app will NOT work on anything below ios11. So this rules out all older ipads, iPods and iPhones.

I had to buy an ipad mini2 just to run the darn app!

Actually no surprise at all as when Apple rolled out ios11 and declared a huge number of devices would not be capable of updating to it, they made them near obsolete overnight.
I'm another former Roon user and LDS checks all the boxes for me.  I have the Auralic G2/GX stack and it functions and sounds fantastic.
I have owned the Auralic Aires Mini and Aires G2.  I sold them both as I found I much prefer the Lumin app, features, and sound.  Having said that I now use Roon since I have a Sonos amp, NAD - M10, Cary Audio DMS-500, and a Lumin U1.  Roon works best with multiple streamers