Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?
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Great discussion to wake up to, even with the expected snide remarks (looking at you, millercarbon) 😄

Great and level headed points from all even if there is disagreement. Were did all the comity come from? If only it could always be this civil.

The one boogyman that I want to address is the supposed hold that China has on us and how they can trigger something awful should they choose to do so. It's not so.

As of now, China holds about 5.6%% of our debt, Japan about 4.8%, and the rest of the world, about 18.9%. Whenever anyone sells off our bills, it's immediately scooped up by someone else. We are still the big dog and will continue to be world's reserve currency for the long term, foreseeable future.

China can't knock us down by itself: it would take every holder of US debt to collectively band together against us and who better to make that more than a passing thought than that certain someone who claims to be a nationalist but is a dyed in the wool globalist with business interest all around the world and acts like the world is his personal ant farm.

China needs to maintain larger reserves of US debt to prop up their currency (renminbi). Some even go so far as to describe China as a paper tiger that can stumble faster than Japan did with their downturn a couple of decades ago, not to mention what Asia, as a whole, went through in the late '90s.

China is doing now what we did back in the Savings & Loans scandal when we built more buildings than could be occupied, played fast and loose with regulation, and severely hurt the economy, setting the stage for the likes of Enron, pension theft, and one side of our political spectrum modeling themselves after the Soviets what with the denouncement of government, gangster capitalism, privatization of the commons and utilities, the rise of mercenary armies, and growing inequality.

It's a wild, wild, wild, wild, world.

All the best,
Yes well it is the dyed in the wool globalist who got us out of the globalist Paris climate accord, and NAFTA, and supports Brexit, is dead set against open borders and is in both word and deed a staunch defender of national sovereignty. He's given a number of speeches on the subject going at least as far back as the campaign. For thirty years at least his every public comment on the subject is consistent. Even his campaign slogan, Make America Great Again- America. Not the globe. America.

His action is consistent with his words.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But, as the saying goes, not their own facts. Sorry if that strikes you as snide, but it really is tiresome, all the innuendo and shifting and dodging.

Do you have any facts to back up your opinion that Trump is a globalist?
The dollar is the world's reserve currency because oil is traded in US dollars. Also, ask England what it's like to be the world's FORMER reserve currency. If we think it can't happen, it's likely already happening.

If we aren't citizens of the world, we can't influence the world. There used to be some unanimity when our president was referred to as the leader of the free world. Now it evokes nervous chuckles. Others will still deal with us for the near term because its good business but the benefit of the doubt we used to receive when we took the road less travelled has eroded. "Halt the spread of communism, human rights, WMD's...."

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