Newbie question about Vault 2i

I am about to order my new home theater and I am planning on buying Vault2.  I have Ethernet set up in closet where the gear is. 
I am planning on converting my CD’s and also signing on to either Tidal or Qobuz.  
The way I understand it is whatever music I download will be stored on Vault until I drop service.
Vault will be connected to my new receiver.
I will access the music via my iPhone and iPad, correct?
will a subscription to Roon make it easier to use Vault or is the software easy enough to use. What is the Value of using Roon?
Would converting to FLAC be the best option. 
Is connecting to receiver via rca cables to analog out the best way to go
if I didn’t care about converting CD’s would Node 2i be a good option for a lot less money? Is there an advantage to storing Tidal files and Qobuz on on Vault rather than just streaming Tidal to Node 2i.

I bought the Node 2i and set have it hooked to my receiver via analog. I am listening to Tidal MQA files. I have also set up a Network HD for my AIFF files which I converted with my Apple Superdrive. The files sound pretty good for sure but I think Tidal MQA is better. Would the Vault 2i do a better job in converting my CD's and would my CD files sound more like Tidal MQA. Thanks
Not sure I understand what you are asking but I do not think the Vault 2i would do a better job of ripping your CDs than your Superdrive did creating AIFF files. The files should sound the same because they are lossless conversions of the CD. I have found that MQA albums sound AS GOOD or BETTER than my CDs or AIFF ripped files. Most of the time MQA sounds BETTER but it depends on the album or title and how well it was recorded. The one advantage of the Vault 2i would be how it handles album metatdata. I had to search for album artwork to redo many file folders when using the Node 2. I had to do that because the Node 2 could not find the artwork for the albums created by Itunes. Itunes is very poor when getting album artwork. I don’t think the Vault2i has that problem when ripping CDs.
@2psyop you understood my question. Thanks for the response. After comparing my CD conversions to Tidal, I realized that I have been wasting my time. Tidal MQA files sound better so I am going to stop converting my CD’s. My brother was going to give me his collection but I don’t see the point now. Thanks
I am original poster. I want to thank everyone who took the time to educate me on streaming and Bluesound. I knowledge level on streaming was zero when I started to look into Bluesound.
I have a Bluesound Node 2i. I took the advice and decided that my Apple Superdrive was good enough and that I did not need the Vault 2i.
I bought a Buffalo Network drive that was surprisingly very inexpensive. It took awhile for me to figure how how to set it up but once I did it I found it to be a great way to store and stream my CD's. Instead of using Apple Music to do the conversions I now use dbpoweramp which converts to Flac.
I thought the best way to connect Node2i was analog with the provided RCA cables. A few days ago I bought an optical cable so now I am using the DAC from my 1120 Anthem. Sound now is amazing. I stream Tidal and my CD's. Not sure if the Anthem has the ability to process the Tidal MSQ files or not, but they sound great so I'm not sure. My next step is to do a trial of Qobuz and see how it compares to Tidal