Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?
That's too easy. Use coal to make steel but not to heat water into steam in order to spin a turbine, like the wind does.

The underlying logic that seems to defy some here is that steps have to be taken for progress to be made. Subsides have to be shifted in order to do so. 

Lots of R&D and time will bring costs down, like in any endeavor.

No one likes to admit it and they always leave out the military costs of securing and protecting oil resources and reserves. That's one hell of a subsidy but when you honestly factor it in, renewables look like the cheaper way to proceed. 

Everything needs something else to be made. It doesn't come to us wrapped in a bow. It's a matter of policy and priorities and some sane minds to figure it all out, not some bottom line of a profit driven corporation, answering to it's shareholders, which, the last time I looked, aren't mentioned in the Constitution.

All the best,


”Perfect should not be the enemy of good, ghasley. So don’t let it be.”

I promise, I’m not trying to be hard headed, I’m trying to be objective. I would take good right now knowing that perfect is beyond the reach of the team we have in place trying to get a deal done.

Miller, these things aren’t binary. If a tariff is intended to level a particular playing field, that has a chance of smoothing the demand balance here and reasonable people may, just may find an agreeable outcome. But punitive tariffs accompanied by tweets intended to cajole and embarrass and repeated demeaning insults in the press will not succeed. Full stop. We can debate the past and whether the tulip bubble in Holland was a scam or a naturally occurring byproduct of human greed but make no mistake, this particular China won’t lay down and take this abuse. They will simply choose a market where we export to with a product where they have our number and then undercut us there. They will repeat it throughout the world.

Its apparent you believe I’m wrong and that we somehow have a secret recipe...unfortunately we don’t. China learned a great deal by closely examining the mistakes made by the Japanese in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and won’t repeat those. We will all learn soon enough that we are woefully unprepared for them calling our bluff. This has as much to do with saving face with the rest of the world than you might think. There is also a great many in the world that want to see the USA lose a bit of our arrogance, they are a little tired of the self righteous rhetoric. We educated their best and brightest at our top business schools and these guys are smart but most importantly, they have a plan and they are patient. I truly wish I was wrong but this won’t end the way you think.
They prefer prostitution to constitution. That's the way of doing things. 
They don't call it the world's oldest profession for nothing. The trouble is, when it's mentioned, no one envisions men in suits in corporate boardrooms or the halls of congress.

All the best,