Tariffs and sky high audio prices.

With the Chinese tariffs taking hold on 100% of the imports and maybe even on Mexico forthcoming, the audio industry is going to see another big jump in their sky high prices. Anyone making purchases ASAP to get lower prices from existing inventory before post tariff products enter the marketplace?

Thanks for the props. I concur with your assessment on how this country started and where it ended up. There's some good history on what parts of the eastern seaboard were controlled by which parts of England they came from and the dust is still on their shoes, so to speak. 

They held no brook for those who came later, forcing them inland, and they too can be traced back to their original lands, along with their belief systems. Saying it's a old world in a new land nicely sums it up. 

All the best,
I lived for ten years in New Hampshire, part of New England region. Different people there, just as everywhere else. But, in some places and circles they do maintain the original spirit and traditions of the first settlers. I may not agree with everything but they have my respect. I didn't like Boston 'aristocratic' snobs, though.

If you like Laurindo Almeida, here's an excellent sounding CD. It is a DCC reissue, out of print and therefore the price, and sounds every bit as good as the LP, which has excellent demo sound in its own right:


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millercarbon ...

Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your posts. We are on the same page, my friend. By the way, I’ve been following Candace Owens since she first came on the scene. She has her own Youtube podcast show now. If you weren’t aware of it, check it out. She’s bound and determined to "wake" the Black Community and doing a great job of it too. The race pimps must be getting a bit concerned at this point.

Here's a good podcast Candace did with Dennis Prager:


Nonoise ...

Thanks for your CNN and MSNBC updates. Much appreciated.
