Bricasti M3

A new Bricasti dac has been released rather recently. The M3.  I see just a couple of short reviews. Anyone have any info they could share? Like maybe what makes it around $4000 less then the M1 for starters?
Ag insider logo xs@2xjackcoke
Are there any end users who bought this new DAC? Your thoughts?
Seems like a nice alternative.
Yeah - such a draught seems hard to explain. Most manufactures seem to seed pre-production models to reviewers such that a new product launch is accompanied by review press.
I receive the M3 with Network module tomorrow!! I loved that they are an American company out of Massachusetts. I'll post my thoughts in a few days. Brian at Bricasti has been great and answered all my questions promptly! If I remember correctly he said it's the best thing they've built. My comparison will only be to an Oppo 203. I'm stoked to say the least!!