geoffkait ... if the range of values that represent dynamic range in the database are 1-20, whereas real dynamic range values are from 1 to 130 dB or higher, then the database contains approximate values ... The database shows trends.
That sums it up rather nicely. For anyone who has compared some of the database numbers with their own listening, it’s pretty clear that it’s a useful resource. Data needn’t be perfect to be useful, particularly in this kind of example. We’re not using the numbers to calculate a moonshot - the data are just a guide to DR.
Objections to the quality of the data are silly, imo. Of course, kosst is free to discount or ignore the information. But to criticize its value by attacking the methodology is sort of like measuring something with a micrometer, marking it with a grease pencil and then cutting it with a chainsaw. Extreme precision isn't always necessary, or even desired.