At the risk of prying a can of worms open even farther:

For those who are justifiably annoyed by the political rants permeating even what is supposed to be a genteel forum for the exchange of esoteric info about audio, and - for that matter - maybe especially for those doing the ranting, this book - due out soon - may be of interest.


”... journalist Matt Taibbi provides an insider’s guide to the variety of ways today’s mainstream media tells us lies. Part tirade, part confessional, it reveals that what most people think of as ‘the news’ is, in fact, a twisted wing of the entertainment business. ... In the Internet age, the press have mastered the art of monetizing anger, paranoia, and distrust.”

He goes after the entire spectrum, not just the left or the right.
Just reading the start of the thread, re the NYT.

If you want to hear how the rag operates firsthand, from the editor, there is a film or almost documentary -to be seen.

It’s called ’The American Ruling Class’. (wiki entry)

It’s a mocukmentary, a dramatization...but the interviews and responses are real.

One of the interviews is with the editorial board of the NYT.

When directly asked if they print fake news, they directly state that they go with the flow of the desires of the contributors re the advertisers and others of similar ilk.

Arthur states things flat out. He pulls no punches, covers nothing up. He is general in his comments but is very frank. 

Finding this film to watch, for free, on the web, is very difficult. Each day it is harder and harder to find. Let me guess why... One of those films everyone should see, yet you can’t find it anywhere....

Post removed 

Thanks for the link.  The embedded article of the full story goes into much more detail.  It appears that the 3 music groups have at least partially turned to Iron Mountain for storage today.   Unbelievable the masters that were lost.