It all boils down to what you the OP like not what someone else likes. You are already pleased with Klipsch and the Forte is a big jump up over the Heresy in every way. There are also KPT-396's which are a ton more speaker and you can get B grade with infintesimal defects new for the same price as a Forte III. You can get used Chorus speakers. But most importantly why don't you go and listen to what all these people are touting before you buy so you can make an educated purchase and not get snookered into famous name expensive gear.
Parts are available for Klipsch for decades because many tens of thousands of people get these and they keep them and if they are ever sold have ready buyers. There is a huge technical base out there to benefit from and the speakers are not so stupid expensive that you have to be afraid to tinker with them.
Parts are available for Klipsch for decades because many tens of thousands of people get these and they keep them and if they are ever sold have ready buyers. There is a huge technical base out there to benefit from and the speakers are not so stupid expensive that you have to be afraid to tinker with them.