Most 600M reviews, and I would disagree with you. While they are not class A/B they have a magic of their own. What shortcomings that have, which are few, can be tamed or enhanced, whichever it may be, with the correct interconnect, power cord, etc. etc. I find that they sound better using balanced in, but then, isn't this the case with all SOTA products? I'm not talking about balanced vs unbalanced. I'm saying it takes time, effort, and experimentation to tweak out the very best of components in this class.
I owned a high-end store for 15 years so I am well aware of and have owned some of the top amps in history. I could give you a laundry list as well but I won't.
To disparage an amp that has this few shortcomings is ridiculous. I believe your viewpoint comes from the fact that you just don't like Class D amplification. I get it. I was there once.
One more positive......I now don't have to turn my air conditioner on high prior to listening because my room is 100 degrees due to my amplifiers. LOL