Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's?

Contemplating the A3's and would like to know if the REF600M will drive them properly. Currently using Martin Logan Montis and these aren't a great indication of what these amps can and will do.
Audio Troy does not like anything they do not sell.  The REF600M are great amps and will pair well with Magicos.  
Thanks for your insight Audio Troy but I've also been in the industry for awhile (45 years). My question really comes from the fact that the 600M's are currently driving the electrostatic panel only (340Hz -up) and are certainly not taxed in any way under these conditions. 

I'm running a PSA BHK preamp with the PSA Directstream Memory Player and PSA DAC. The combination is heaven with the Bel Canto's.
If anything, the Magico's will improve upon the strengths of this combo rather the opposite. 

Coming from PBN Audio Denali monoblocks, which had tons of power/reserve, I was curious to know whether the Bel Canto's had the "guts" to drive a non-ported 88db speaker.

FYI - I never thought I would own a Class D amplifier, however, these are pretty incredible sonically.

aka Docaudio1
Tgun, as we speculated you are running tubes and a softer sounding digital front end which adds a sense of body to the amps.

Personally we do not like Ncore or Hypex, the only Class D we have found to be decent is the Nuforce Ref 9Se V3, the Nuprime STA 9 for a cheap amp, and the Nuprime ST 10 for use with certain warmer sounding speakers. 

We have tested $12k Ncore based amplifiers and they were clean, fast but lacking in the magic of a Class A/B amplifier.

The Bel Cantos are decent amplifiers but we think you would be much happier with the BHK amplifier.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ