What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html


“Footnote: I almost stopped reading the post when I saw the poster “has been involved in the hobby for over 40 years.” It’s kind of a tip off of what’s to follow.”

Any possibility you could enlighten us as to what you meant by this? Guessing…only the self-anointed ones have valid opinions? But, eh, what do I know right?"

I think you may have alluded to the answer yourself earlier on in your post. 

"Unfortunate because many newbies are interested in getting started in what can be a rewarding lifetime hobby, they post, and get ‘jumped’."

Let's face it, this can be a daunting hobby to get into. You could never suspect that there's no end of shysters between you and your path to audio satisfaction. Even many dealers, reviewers and forum posters are in on the scam!

Here are the words of one of the most respected figures in this industry, Harbeth's Alan Shaw -

"I have this growing feeling that there may not be one single generally held 'fact' amongst audiophiles that is actually true and demonstrable under controlled conditions. Is it possible that the entire audiophile industry has foundations of sand?

What is odd is that hard, cold physics is (obviously) brought to bear by equipment designers to create and produce physical audio equipment, but that hard, cold physics is then replaced by mythology when the product reaches the audiophile marketplace. I'm struggling now to think of one 'fact' that could be independently validated. Can you do better than me?

How did a hardware industry of the 50's transition into a fashion industry where there are no absolutes, no norms, no frames of reference .... all opinion. Is it any wonder the industry is stagnant? Expensive blue-sky R&D is unnecessary because a new marketing spin will keep the production lines flowing with yesterday's technology. It really is a strange business and for sure, the consumer is not benefiting."


Talking of useless tweaks for the consumer, how about any music file above 320kbps? 
Here are the words of one of the most respected figures in this industry, Harbeth’s Alan Shaw -

"I have this growing feeling that there may not be one single generally held ’fact’ amongst audiophiles that is actually true and demonstrable under controlled conditions. Is it possible that the entire audiophile industry has foundations of sand?

What is odd is that hard, cold physics is (obviously) brought to bear by equipment designers to create and produce physical audio equipment, but that hard, cold physics is then replaced by mythology when the product reaches the audiophile marketplace. I’m struggling now to think of one ’fact’ that could be independently validated. Can you do better than me?

How did a hardware industry of the 50’s transition into a fashion industry where there are no absolutes, no norms, no frames of reference .... all opinion. Is it any wonder the industry is stagnant? Expensive blue-sky R&D is unnecessary because a new marketing spin will keep the production lines flowing with yesterday’s technology. It really is a strange business and for sure, the consumer is not benefiting."

>>>>Huh? He’s struggling to think of one fact that can be independently validated? An obvious case of brain freeze. What is he even talking about? 🤔
hard, cold physics is then replaced by mythology?

Hey, that Alan Shaw from Harbeth sounds like a "normal person"!
"I’m struggling now to think of one ’fact’ that could be independently validated. Can you do better than me?"

Not sure what is meant by "independently validated," but here are some "facts:" 

1. Tweaks that reduce vibration are effective.
2. Tweaks that reduce miro-arcing are effective.
3. Tweaks that reduce RFI are effective.
4. Tweaks that reduce slap echo in rooms are effective.

There are plenty of aftermarket products out there that really help with the above.

People still get their panties in a bunch over certain words and phrases. You know, like crystalline, crystal, quantum, Graphene, artificial atoms ⚛️, directionality, anything perceived or in reality as not in the signal path, things of that nature. Most likely a simple case of neophobia. Don’t freak out and don’t get hung up. 🤗 Hey, where did all the Blind Test fanatics go? 😳 “I bet it can’t pass a double blind test!” 😛