What’s your vote for the most ridiculous, overpriced, and useless tweak?

My vote: Furutech Outlet Cover 105 NCF $220, with “special crystalline material that has two “active” properties.” https://www.thecableco.com/outlet-cover-105-ncf.html

hard, cold physics is then replaced by mythology?

Hey, that Alan Shaw from Harbeth sounds like a "normal person"!
"I’m struggling now to think of one ’fact’ that could be independently validated. Can you do better than me?"

Not sure what is meant by "independently validated," but here are some "facts:" 

1. Tweaks that reduce vibration are effective.
2. Tweaks that reduce miro-arcing are effective.
3. Tweaks that reduce RFI are effective.
4. Tweaks that reduce slap echo in rooms are effective.

There are plenty of aftermarket products out there that really help with the above.

People still get their panties in a bunch over certain words and phrases. You know, like crystalline, crystal, quantum, Graphene, artificial atoms ⚛️, directionality, anything perceived or in reality as not in the signal path, things of that nature. Most likely a simple case of neophobia. Don’t freak out and don’t get hung up. 🤗 Hey, where did all the Blind Test fanatics go? 😳 “I bet it can’t pass a double blind test!” 😛
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I tried to tell you. Sorbothane is one of most vile and pernicious materials ever foisted on naive gullible audiophiles. It seems like the perfect material, too. Not too hard, not too soft. Just right! Suck those offending vibrations right up!! Whoopie! 🤗 I suspect you’re just starting to see the tip of the iceberg. Wait’ll ya start playing around with springs, NASA grade ceramics, granite, constrained layer damping. Just think of all the combinations. But you have to have a plan. Otherwise, it’s just shooting blanks in the dark.