Help looking for dynamic warm romantic sound with detail

Can some one help me in the right direction. Im going to spend like 20" for speaker and amp.

Im looking for a detailed, dynamic, warm, romantic sound. I like the midrange sound of piano, strings and female voices.
Im listen to all music like rock, power balads, country and some modern music. i dont listen to jazz and classic.
Im using tidal and spotify from pc usb.

Started with Hegel H360 to B&W cm10 missed dynamics and warmth.
Upgraded to Mcintosh MC501 and D150 to B&W cm10 ok combo but was missing detail from hegel.
Upgraded to Mcintosh MC501 and c2600 to B&W cm10 missing the speed in the bass from D150 (best combo so far)
Changed to the new Hegel H590 to B&W cm10 did loose all the romantic sound and dynamics and it sounds like the female singer stands in the background =(

I also have a SVS SB16 for the times i listen to modern music.

How would a SS pre and tube amp sound? Do i get the romantic, warm and dynamic sound and the speed to the sub?

What integrated or pre&amp do you recomend? ant to what speaker?

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It is my IMHO.
All these modern main stream audiophile tower speakers newer sound really dynamic for my test. All this c%#p like "bass slam" sounds to me like compression.
If you want real dynamic sound go to speakers like: Altec, Tannoy, Klipsh,... and tube amplification.
You can use Altec and Klipsh with tube SET amplifier. For Tannoy you need more powerful tube push-pull amplifier like vintage McIntosh mc30, mc240.
IME the front end is just as important as the back end. No amp/speaker combination can fix bad source material. I also agree with those that have mentioned room acoustics. For my tastes I have found that a system that lacks warmth is usually due to too much midrange in the room in the freq. range of 1k to 3k.

To answer the OP's question directly I prefer the combination of Atma-Sphere or ARC amps with Wilson Audio speakers. (I am also currently auditioning a pair of SVS SB4000 subs)

McIntosh amps, to me, have a hollow sound in the lower vocal range, kind of what you get if you were to cup your hands around your mouth when you speak.  Actually when I was auditioning amps McIntosh was my least favorite between Atma-Sphere, ARC, Bel Canto, Coda and Ayre.

Also for comparison other speakers that I auditioned before the Wilson Audio's were B&W, Focal, Paradigm, Spendor and Vandersteen
There are many speakers that could live you more of the sound you want.
I would probably try these and keep the amp for now.

Focal Kanta 3
Boenicke w8 or w11
Kii Three

Whoah, let's back up a bit in this thread with recommending everything under the sun. 

n_brio's only experience here is bouncing between two brands.  While the B&W CM10 speakers can definitely be upgraded, I do think that n_brio can approach what he is looking for with the right amp/preamp.  I would say neither McIntosh nor Hegel is the right answer here.  When I heard Hegel, it came across very solid state and very sterile sounding (not great at all).  McIntosh definitely sounded good, but it was wayyy too laid back and just lacked the dynamics and excitement and resolution.  Those are my own opinions and seem to match n_brio's experience as well.

There is definitely something in the middle that has the romantic/warm sound with enough dynamics for your taste.  I probably would avoid Pass Lab because, while it is very nice and warm, it just does not have the dynamics and excitement.  Maybe the closest thing I have heard for a romantic/warm/dynamic sound is the Parasound amps, but there's no guarantee that that's what you actually want.  This is where things become more difficult because you now have a dozen different people all saying "you should buy xx because it's the best!". 

My suggestion is take a step back and know that McIntosh / Hegel are not the right answers.  Maybe take a trip around to listen to as much equipment as you can.  This would be an excellent excuse for a show such as RMAF or XPONA.