Anthem AVM 60 vs Classe SSP 800

If this has been discussed already my apologies as I could not find the information I am looking for. I am looking to replace my Cary 11 which is going south with more than one issue. Sound quality is paramount. I could care less about any video capabilities as my Oppo  takes care of that. Also 5.1 is sufficient as I like to listen to 5.1 SACD’s. I do have amplification as well as speakers for 7.1 if I want to do it. The Classe is dated but it is renowned for its sound quality. How does the AVM 60 compare to the Classe in sound quality? For the price of a used Classe I could purchase a new Anthem unit. Also I have heard that Classe has unfortunately had some ups and downs so are they still supporting their older gear? Either unit would only be used for Surround Sound as I have a separate two channel system .

Thanks Mike & Erik for your responses. Mike you provided exactly the information I was looking for. Erik I want to stay with separates even though the MRX 520 is a good buy. Larry 
I replaced my Classe SSP800 with a Lyngdorf MP50.   I love the Lyngdorf room correction and neutral presentation for movies; however, I truly miss my SSP800.  What a wonderfully musical processor.  I feel it was able to pull me in to movies better than the Lyngdorf due to its ability play the music scores so much better.

My vote would be the SSP800.
Have you considered Classe Sigma SSP MkII? Supports latest audio codecs, such as Atmos. This little prepro is purported to be CP-800 with processor capability and in Simga chassis. That is, processor optimized for music. I would consider it, but I really want 4 Atmos speaker capability and SSP only supports 2.

Classe is rumored to be developing new Delta series SSP, but judging by their new Delta Mono and Pre models, it will be very expensive.