Probably the closest receiver to your Bryston/Parasound sonic signature is the NAD, but realize that it may not be quite as refined or full or powerful. Alternative would be to keep the Bryston SP3 and look for a nice 5 or 7 channel amp. It will not be as good as the Parasound JC1s, but it will still be better than a receiver. All the receivers have very small power supplies with compromised amp board sections and the quality of sound just is not there.
If you wanted to keep the Parasound sonic signature, you could always get a 5-channel A51 amp. Or look at alternative, like a Krell Chorus 7200 or even an ATI amplifier. Or go Class D and look at a Wyred 4 Sound or a Nord Acoustics amp. Basically, there are many 5 to 7 channel amplifiers out there which will be much better than any receiver, but not as good as your JC1s.
If you wanted to keep the Parasound sonic signature, you could always get a 5-channel A51 amp. Or look at alternative, like a Krell Chorus 7200 or even an ATI amplifier. Or go Class D and look at a Wyred 4 Sound or a Nord Acoustics amp. Basically, there are many 5 to 7 channel amplifiers out there which will be much better than any receiver, but not as good as your JC1s.