Recommended receiver for HT

I plan to downsize from Bryston SP-3 processor and Parasound amps to a single receiver for HT. The speakers would be KEF T301 fronts; LS50s are side and rear; subs are pairs of Velodyne HGS-15s and HGS-10s with SMS-1 bass management. Sources are Cox TV, Ayre DX-5 DSD, and perhaps Oppo 205 or 105D. Stereo music is a separate setup. I’ve been out of the receiver market for decades, so I’m seeking recommendations for a used receiver at moderate cost.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
"The only thing that gives me pause about a receiver is that I do enjoy opera on Blu-ray, and, of course, Legends of Jazz, but that might be done by the DX-5 DSD to the stereo setup-- video goes directly to the projector from the disc player."


     I forgot to mention an option you have for better quality sound on your Blu-ray music discs.  You can use a very high quality stereo, or pair of mono-block,  class D amps for the L+R front mains/stereo speakers and a separate 3 to 5 channel good class D amp for the center and 2-4 surround channels.  This would increase the sound quality not only on your Blu-ray music discs but also increase the sound quality on all other discs and ht sources played.  
     All the class D amps are a fraction of the size and weight of your JC-1 monos and run no hotter than tepid, so you'd still be streamlining and you could always safely tuck these away out of view if you prefer.
     Several professional reviewers have claimed some of the pricier class D amps provide the best sq they've heard, regardless of amp type and price. Some are even utilizing the new GaN transistors that are much faster switching from on/off than the typical FETs and eliminate dead time for exceptionally accurate and high quality performance and.  I don't know your budget or interest in exploring how good class D can perform but it's just another available option.

I think I've decided to try the pair of Parasound A 23s with KEF LS50s in 4.1 with or without the Bryston SP-3, using Cox TV and the Oppo 105D or 205 as sources.  I already have all the pieces for the proposed setup.  If I'm satisfied with the A 23 for front LR, I can buy another A 23 for rear surround. 
Hello dbphd,

     I thought since you have all the ingredients for a high quality HT system, an Oppo,KEF 204/2c center, a pair of KEFT301 as mains, four KEF LS50s for side and rear surrounds, two 15"subs, two 10" subs and an SMS-1 sub controller, you'd be going for something a bit more ambitious like a 7.4 or at least a 5.4 system.  All you need is a bit more amplification.
     I know you're looking to downsize but are you sure you want to downsize the fun, too?  Isn't going from three JC-1s to a pair of A23s downsizing enough?  Having your four Velodyne subs configured in a distributed bass array will sound awesome for movies, music DVDs and tv.  Adding the full complement of KEFs to the solid bass foundation will just nudge it into sublime.

Your choice,
After restarting my memory function, I recalled I have tired the LS50s with an A 23 amp and thought the sound a bit wimpy.  LS50s with an A21 sounded fine, and they would undoubtedly sound fine with the JC 1 monoblocks.  

Tim, you're trying to move me back to where I was before I decided to downsize.
Hello dbphd,

     I'm trying to help you downsize and streamline while still having some fun.  Just the Oppo suggestion as surround processor eliminated the need for your Bryston SP-3 and a new receiver.  
     But your fighting my efforts by not even considering my good suggestions on how to downsize and streamline in other areas.  Why would you want to use the big class AB Parasound A23s when you don't even like their sound with the LS50s?   And not just one but two?  C'mon DB, work with me.
     A good solution is to try some good class D amps, discover they're a good match driving the LS50s as well as all your other speakers  and, voila!, you've even further significantly downsized and streamlined.  Do you have an aversion to using small, lightweight,  powerful and cool running class D amps that are so efficient you can just leave them on 24/7 if you want?
