New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
I've heard a few VRs in the past few years and I must say, they are some of the most impressive speakers i've heard.
Set-up properly they can be spectacular !!
The VR 33 a very good sounding speakers and a excellent bargain for the money.
I too would like to know why audiofreakgeek not only bashes these speakers but also Magico and nothing special and also comments on Wilson. Being a commerical dealer your comments are most biased .
Disclosure - I am an audio manufacturer as well as owning a retail company. I am not a VS dealer.

I don't know how anyone who has owned a VS speaker or ever spoken to Albert can have anything negative to say. Albert and his crew seemed to me to be very down to earth, honest people.

I spent some time hanging out with them at this year's RMAF (one of his room was down the hall from ours) and also spent some time listening to the VR33 speakers. I won't go into the typical "you need to hear these" routine but would recommend finding out if someone near you has a pair that you can audition. I'll leave it at that.

I have no agenda other than hating to see good people get bashed for no justified reason.

By the way, I shut down for a couple months when we got hit by the 2006 flood in Upstate NY.......Still here.
I wouldnt buy any speaker that cant be sorta know what a Pre or an Amp will sound like but buying a speaker on faith is IMO foolish.