Best Headphone under 1k$?

I had enjoyed using SoundMAGIC E11C while out of town for 3 weeks on May.

But I also got HIFIMAN SUNDARA from Amazon 10 days ago to compare it with SoundMAGIC E11C .

Although I will keep SoundMAGIC E11C for travel, I enjoy the sound from HIFIMAN SUNDARA much better.
It sound open and balanced.
I use Chord Dave to drive it.

Now my question is whether there is any headphone under 1k$ which will sound significantly better than HIFIMAN SUNDARA.
I wish to get transparent and open sound out of it with just enough tight bass.
Of course, if it provides wide and deep soundstage, it will be better.
I do not wish to get bright sound.

Can anyone recommend best headphone under 1K$?
thanks in advance
Thanks for the suggestion. But I’m in it for the long haul. I can wait another 230 hours for the HE-600S V2 to burn in standing on my head. 🤸🏻‍♀️The hurrieder up you go the behinder you get.

“We will make sell wine before it’s time.”
It seems that all earphones need lot of burn in time of least 50-100 hrs or more.

MASSDROP X EMPIRE EARS ZEUS UNIVERSAL IEM will arrive tomorrow after paying additional 15$.

But I can expect to do serious comparison between three earphones only after Saturday.
More to the point is that it appears HIFIMAN earphones require around 300 hours or more to burn in, depending on how the burn in is achieved. If I were using the burn-in track on my XLO Test CD I imagine I could reduce the number of hours required considerably but, alas, I have no track repeat function so I’m using Kraftwerk, Beastie Boys, Zeppelin, things of that nature. I will not do serious listening or evaluation until after I hit the 300 hour mark, which I expect to do in around three weeks. Please stand by.

note to self: Why on Earth is 300 hours required for burn in? Is it the new single crystal copper cable? Something else? 
"...I’m using Kraftwerk, Beastie Boys, Zeppelin, things of that nature."
Why use music that is so similar? Led Zeppelin and Kraftwerk are like one.
Also worthy of consideration are Meze Audio Classic headphones at approx $300.

A nice lighter weight closed back set of cans, very efficient but very solid deep bass and tight mids, possibly a little soft on high treble.

I have been using for a few weeks now and quite content for home use.

The Klipsch I recommended earlier I use for travel.