List your System Ingredients: Listed most to least expensive, by list price or price paid

How did you proportion your system spending? You can choose to list by component name or type, and by the the price you actually paid new or used, OR by the original full retail price. Just be consistent. 

For example, by price paid mine would be-

Millercarbon: Tone arm, speakers, phono stage, motor, cartridge, turntable, Cones (rack, Shelf, etc), speaker cable, power cords, room treatment and tweaks, amp, interconnect.

But by full retail price when new mine would be:

Millercarbon: Speakers, speaker cables, tone arm, Cones (rack, Shelf, etc), phono stage, power cords, cartridge, motor, interconnect,  amp, room treatment and tweaks (fuses, ECT, HFT, etc).


speakers, amps, cabling, source, pre

Purchase price:

source, speakers, cabling, amps, pre
pokey77 wonders about the point of this,
”Not sure you will find any meaningful trends here.”
If Tina Turner were an audiophile perhaps should be singing,
”What’s meaning got to do with it, got to do with it
What’s meaning to an audiophile’s emotion
What’s meaning got to do with it, got to do with it
Who needs another amp when an amp can be broken”
Seems to me like a very reasonable idea for a thread, that would be of interest to some even if (as might be expected) clear trends don’t emerge. For one thing, lack of a trend could in itself be reasonably considered to be a trend. For another thing, it seems expectable that many audiophiles would find it interesting to gain some idea of how other audiophiles have apportioned their audio-related investments, especially other audiophiles they may have become familiar with here, over the years.

In any event, at least so far it seems like a considerably more pleasant thread than some others I can think of.

-- Al

And the point of this?

Not sure you will find any meaningfultrends here.
If folks had all provided $ or percentages you certainly could have teased out data and trends. But they didn’t.

It would have been interesting to see which components the most money was spent on, and how many folks spent significant amounts on cables. 

Oh well. 
Voxativ 9.86 loudspeakers
Voxativ 211 integrated amp
PS audio DAC with bridge II
VPI prime Signature Turntable
PS audio regenerator
Audio rack
KL audio record cleaning machine
Parasound JC3+ Phono Preamp