New Von Schweikert VR 33?

Interested in buying this speaker, not sold on dealers only direct from VSA so can't audition it. Anybody own or listened to them? Please, your thought.
Arkio... You just proved that you don't know what real music sounds like. Vandersteens are universally acclaimed as not only being one of the best speakers in all their price ranges, but also a bargain at those ranges. I am not trying to reprimand you...I just think you should go to more live music concerts. I would offer a recommendation not to sit in the orchestra section (squashed dynamics, poor frequency response, no line of sight to the back of the orchestra), but the front of the first balcony provided there is no ceiling above you. As for Alberts speakers, I maintain that not only are they are not MY idea of what a speaker should be, but also that Albert himself does not belong in the company of the heads of many audiophile companys many of whom I have met and who are very friendly and ethical people.
Nice cheap shot on AVS, Stringreen.

Your opinion is just that and you have a lot of nerve trying to tell ANYONE, unsolicited, how to LISTEN to anything. You do not qualify to give anyone such advice, nor do I. It doesn't matter what you do or how often you have participated or gone to "live events". There are many different types of "live evernt and one size does not fit all. There are also plenty of people who think Vandersteens are underperforming speakers. The advice to go to more live concerts, again unsolicited, is is just your own pompous opinion. I guess all those people who spend good money to sit in the orchestra section also don't know what they are doing either, right?

I have also met very friendly and ethical heads of many audiophile companies, and have in fact had a number of them in my listening room. It is obvious you have an issue with AVS, and your dislike for his speakers can't help but be colored by such animosity, IMO. I know AVS and we have had our differences, but I certainly wouldn't slam his speakers just because I got my feelings hurt... :-)
The whole idea of these posts are to learn and offer opinions. The whole idea of high fidelity which is what we all deal with on these posts is the replication of music as it was performed in real life without editorial manipulation. I'm sure there are those who don't care for Vandersteen speakers just as there are those who don't like Porsches, Gulfstream airplanes, or the works of Beethoven. ...then there are those that know what they are talking about....
"There are also plenty of people who think Vandersteens are underperforming speakers."

Then again there are plenty that have put their money down, case in fact; the Model 2 has sold over 100K speakers during its run, something must be intrinsically right for that degree of success. My guess? Great full range performance for the price of admission. Maybe not preferable to some, I get that but underperforming? thats a stretch.

Again this comment in no way reflects on VS speakers.
Hi Tubegroover,
I am not going to go into detail telling you about my various auditions of the Vandersteens and everything surrounding that and why I ultimately passed on them. As I think this thread has already derailed enough and its quite sad. Having folks come here to bash or give unsolicited negative opinions, on a VS thread no less, about how bad those speakers and the company are, with generalizations, even admitting they did not even listen to the speakers in question, speaks volumes about the posters. But back to the Vandies for a moment. I would have rather spent 17K rather than almost double for my speakers. As I really did want to like them, given good press and all. But ultimately they did not impress me at all. Sorry if that offends you. There were lots of things I did not like about them for their asking price, including the minor inconsequential things like their looks, (they are truly ugly IMO, especially for 17K), but others seem to like that plain jane look . The mid-bass hump was more like pronounced bass, overbloated and overdone. It was with various pieces of music, including vinyl. Maybe the setting on the bass amps were off but I heard that in various setups. I have a couple dealers here where I live that carry/carried Vandersteens, but the auxiliaries where I listened to them the most were all Macintosh equipment, the other place was a mish mash of equipment, but mostly Ayre. So maybe it was that, but I didn’t think so at the time. I have been an audiophile for 20 years and I know what I hear. Again, sorry if that flies in the face of your experience . I would not have brought it up if not goaded by Stringreen. Maybe with setup and mix and matching of auxiliary equipment it would be better, and probably is, but I had heard enough at that point to turn me off altogether. I am sure the 7’s are better, but at 45K they better be.

My hearing is perfect. Perfect flat line at 0db on the audiogram, six years running. I get it checked yearly. Also I go to dozens of concerts yearly including many unplugged ones. I love all types of music. In fact I am going to see Blackfield next week – should be awesome. It is funny tho how quickly you went on the defensive when I said something negative about your speakers. Someone famous once said ‘ you can dish it out but you can’t take it”. You should think about that before posting broad generalizations about anything, especially negative ones. Oh BTW, the comment that Chad made about you being a musician, as if that somehow entitles you to some special hearing ability is nonsense and does not make you an authority for anything, especially in what ‘real’ music sounds like. I know quite a few musicians personally that are stone deaf because of all the playing they have done in their life and a acoustic guitar player or two that couldn’t strum a chord cleanly if their life depended on it. Besides, most of my musician friends listen to pro gear that sounds absolutely NOTHING like your Vandersteens, and most musicians would probably not be caught dead listening to them. But hey, I am glad you derive pleasure from your speakers, and I have no doubt you have optimized them to your liking, but don’t make judgment calls about what others listen to and like just because it doesn’t fit into your small view of things/experiences. Also WGAS that Albert doesn’t belong to some high and mighty audio fraternity, as if that has any bearing on quality of speakers the man designs.

Back to the music boys....I’m done with this nonsense.