Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's?

Contemplating the A3's and would like to know if the REF600M will drive them properly. Currently using Martin Logan Montis and these aren't a great indication of what these amps can and will do.
My impression is that it would depend on your musical preference. I have Magico S1's and used to run it on a class D amp. It was great for rock or pop music but was wanting for classical. In particular, richness and delicacy of violins were absent in the setup with class D. Now I pair the Magico's with Jadis I50 tube amp and this setup brings a richness to the music. Violins are better but still not what I hope it to be. I have heard the A3's paired with Jadis I88 and I think the sound is more detailed but thinner that with the S1s.

Devialet and Magico is not my taste either because it is better for rock and less for classical. 

So, what kind of music do you listen to and what kind of sound do you want to get from your system?
I don’t think that AudioTroy are as terrible as some on here are claiming, as we all know, strident opinions are commonplace on audiogon.
Though I can’t help hearing in my head two guys speaking in unison every time I read their posts. It sounds like one entity. Just slightly creepy.

I really like class D by the way.
Reading this thread while listening to "Famous Blue Raincoat" by Jennifer Warnes with Bel Canto Ref 600Ms and Talon Khorus X, VTL 7.5 pre. Mccormack deluxe universal player. Sounds great. 3D soundstage, detailed.  
The Bel Cantos replaced tube 450s. The tubed amps sounded different than the Bel Cantos.  I loved those tubed amps. I also love the BCs.
Was worried because of Class D phobia, but found that the VTL 7.5 with CBS  CHYRO 12Au7s  sounds incredible.
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