The Absolute Sound "review" of USB cable reads suspiciously like a press releaste

I mean c'mon—can't you even throw in a few according-to-the-manufacturer's?
Until you get to hear any product it’s best to treat all reviews as mere infomercials.

The number of times I was left feeling underwhelmed upon hearing an hitherto highly recommended product...

Basically, after buying a basic amp, CD player and some decent speakers you’re all set to go.

Reading all the subsequent high falutin reviews can lead you to believing there are sonic paradises undiscovered just waiting your attention.

It clearly ain’t so.

Not this side of the Living Voice Vox Olympian / Kondo amps combination at any rate...
Stereophile is the same just better at hiding it. Corruption is unavoidable if your publication depends on ad revenue. For the record, corruption doesnt have to be anything as insidious as pay to play it can be much more subtle like not giving a superior product its proper due if such an acknowledgement would alienate a long time favorite. 
It’s by Michael Mercer! I wondered what happened to him.  Interesting fellow.  
It surely reads like an advertisement.

As one of the responders under the original "article" noted the description...."purpose built". It must be the highlight of the "equipment review".

On the other hand, maybe there is not much to say about an USB cable after all. I am not trying to start a cable thread and have no opinion about it, just wondering.