Which cost more: your system or your car?

Just curious.


BTW - I'm pretty sure that my system slots between my CTS and my wife's Cayenne.
Not to hijack this thread but I was sitting in my crappy 1983 Toyota Landcruiser listening to its crappy aftermarket tape player and wondered if tube/vinyl people have a car system.
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My car, but I wish it was the other way around. Over the years, had I known better I would have not brought so many cars but rather more serious hifi gear. And oh yes, better saved for the kids college education.

Waht's a car?

Oh, yeah...I keep mine in my living room.

Of course if I had a car, well, yeah, my system would cost more than it I'm pretty sure. I've had fancy autos and trucks... they depreciate faster than components and cost more to operate...

Boats are even worse!