There was one significant operational difference, which others have confirmed. I don’t know why this is true, but the Class D amps needed 2-4 days to warm up. The Luxman needs no time at all. I have no rational, engineering explanation for this. After leaving the ICEPower amps off for a weekend, they sounded pretty low fi. Took 2 days to come back. I can come home after work and turn the Luxman on and it sounds great from the first moment.
Retaining of the ear. The ear is mutable. Thus the retraining of the ear to deal with class d.
Please, people, the ear and brain combination are a mutable shiftable changeable trainable device. Like the rest of your body, brain and eyes, etc.
Yet, importantly..the Luxman with classic amplifier design, required no time at all to adjust to.
What does this tell you? It tells you that the Luxman is more natural and correctly addressing the ear’s natural function ---all in a way that the ear resolves sound.
The class D amp is a fight to get the brain to ignore it’s follies and have the brain ear combination attempt to find resolution hiding in the noise and distortion pattern that is foreign to how the ear works.
Why would any sensible human being be up for that?
That’s what it tells you. It tells you that the class d ’bear’ can dance in a way that the humans can recognize as being akin to a dance, but really is not a true and actual dance. Just similar. ’the bear looks like it is dancing’, in the same way, ’class d seems to be reproducing a signal’ Kinda sorta maybe. But not quite as good as other, older tech.
As the experience, when properly considered clearly shows--- Class D is not more natural or better. So why fight with it for another 20 years so it can get closer, when you are already there with another technology?
It’s like saying, "I can row my boat across the lake really really now I’m going to cut my arms off and do it with stumps. And I’ll eventually, maybe, somehow.. be good enough to win the Indy 500 of boating. And finally be back to where I was at, before I cut my arms off."
The logic and thinking is dubious at best and insane at the worst.