Which cost more: your system or your car?

Just curious.


BTW - I'm pretty sure that my system slots between my CTS and my wife's Cayenne.
my cars COST cost more (2000 Jag S-Type, and 2002 BMW 530i), but at this point my system is worth much more.
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"..i hate cars."

+1 and that goes double for truck-based vehicles.

My system is as modest as my lifestyle, and my lifestyle is fine with a bicycle to get around. Where I now live many feel their lives are wanting unless they can sit up high in a big, noisy, loud truck. Having lived in L.A. and Atlanta in my younger years, I learned to hate motor vehicles, traffic, and breathing foul air.
I guess mine is about the same as our Landcruiser but still a lot less than my wife's solitaire diamond ring.

Guys - make sure you have your priorities right and look after your lady.

Cars and Stereos are just things...they are utterly irrelevant compared to the people in our lives.
agree with shadorne

People are like music, they make life all it can be and take you places while their here. when they gone, like when the music's over, all we have is the memories and our toys will not replace them.