However, a large woofer needs it's own magnet, and an amp working in it's 'easy' range for proper control. A port, reactive to the woofer, also wants that woofer tightly controlled.
based on those speakers, I would go for 60/32 wpc over 8 wpc.
Keep in mind, you will more than likely change your speakers. a higher powered amp will give yoou many more options regarding sensitivity choices.
It is a low powered amp that can destroy speakers, not a powerful one.
Someting I always have been curious, to hear in my home with my speakers. I just bought Cayin A88T wjhich converts 45wpc ultralinear to 22 wps triode. I got the triode bug out of my system pretty quickly, so far I prefer everything Ultralinear. I keep trying to find something that benefits from Triode, nope. btw, all the Cayin reviewers, and my audiophile friends prefer ultralinear. I can hear why. It is not the reduced power, my speakers, horns, are incredibly efficient.
My friend has 8 wpc 300b mono blocks driving his wonderful speakers. Excellent, superb, with limited bass. He needs to keep the volume down to avoid distortion when those tubes try to do too much. He comes here when he wants to enjoy more bass or more volume.
btw, tube amps, as you know, but for others,
distortion specks up to 1.0 % (original stuff from the 60's, ... and new stuff) sounds just fine, it would be a mistake for anyone to reject the idea of tube sound based on comparison to SS miniature digitally produced percentage specs.