Which cost more: your system or your car?

Just curious.


BTW - I'm pretty sure that my system slots between my CTS and my wife's Cayenne.
Presently - my system as my car is a '97 Accord with 200+k miles which has allowed me to upgrade my audio system over time. I am now looking for another car so it may become a toss up.
"Outlier: The cartridge on my turntable costs more than my car ;-)"


I have just remembered, at one point my system cost more than I paid for my house, although not in the same time period, house bought 12 years ago, system in 2008 cost more than the purchase price of the house.

It just goes to show how crazy we can be with our music systems. No wonder other people think we are all mad. LOL
Was system (retail to retail) until last year - now car is about 30% above my rig. Very happy with both!
System of course. The car barely covers the replacement cost of the speakers.