Any one has experience with Sugden Integrated?

Looking to buy one of these class A Integrated , A21A or A21SE, will pair it with Tannoy GR Speakers , any input will be appreciated.
I have heard the "regular" Sugden A21 which I thought sounded beautiful on Devore speakers, and the Masterclass which I thought was sublime. Why aren't these spoken about more?  
One local retailer in town has Sugden as his affordable ss line.
He also carries Devore, Line Magnetic, Innous and Nagra along with
many others good brands. AZ HiFi in Phoenix if you can get here.

I live in the west valley, and that's where I heard them. Good store.
Never had integrated amp from Sugden but in the 90's I bought new (demo) a set of Au41 pre and Au31 power amp, still have these in my second listening room with either Magnepan SMG or Tangent RS6. Few years ago I had the chance to find a Au51 pre and Au51 power amp used, they are with Snell Acoustics CII.  SUGDEN FOREVER AND EVER
I really love this amp.  I have been going through integrated amps for the last 25 years and this one is my absolute favorite.  I use the A21se with Devore O93s and Spatial M4 Triode Masters.  And best of all no tube issues.