Blind fold hearing test

How many of you could be blind folded or put in a room in total darkness and know what kind of speaker amp and preamp are being used. Another words if u came blind folded in my listening room could u tell I was using a Krell amp a ARC pre and B&W speakers? Not necessarily the models but more or less the brands. I would be the first to say for me it would be no. Would love to see how many of you could. Should be interesting. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Doubt if I could tell the difference unless it was side by side. Glad I have not spent a $150,000 on sound system that in blind test I couldn't tell from a $1500 system. Did one of these tests on you tube to see how far my hearing has gone south. Used to shoot guns, go to live rock concerts and operate heavy equipment in a mill. At age 74 my hearing goes from about 22 Hz to 4000 Khz.

One sense we don’t have is to stay out of threads that have no real porpoise 🐬
True, but the ones that serve a real purpose end up going sideways so we have to pick and choose.

All the best,
Thanks for all your responses. Didn’t mean to make it sound like a non sense thread. I just thought it sounds interesting. Just thought some of us that have been into high end systems for years and years and maybe all their lives could tell what was being used. Maybe it would of made more sense to say could u hear the difference of a tube amp or a ss amp and a tube pre or a ss pre. 
Not a non sense thread at all. Just a bit of snark from us usual culprits.