Jumpers - how long is long enough

This question relates to the jumpers found on speakers with Bi-wire terminals

Most people agree that most of the jumpers provided should be replaced.

But how long should the new jumpers be?

A fellow audiophile who has spent some time investigating this recommends at least 50 cm
- he also recommends the neutral be of a larger gauge and 70cm in length

I have no reason to doubt his observations, because he is extremely thorough with his research and I have also found his observations to be beneficial..

I was just wondering if anyone else had similar findings they would like to share on this topic

Regards - Steve
Well my experience has been 
Every time I tried to jumper
She said it wasn't long enough
Which is such a bummer...
Yes but remember geoff said its more important that it be going in the right.... oh never mind.
Just imagine a 3 way system with 3 sets of terminals per cabinet
More cables than a V12, it would have to sound better than a Ferrari
Yes, but remember geoff said its more important that it be going in the right.... oh never mind.

>>>>>Queue Dueling Banjos. 😳
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