What are the advantages to a Class A amp & what are the trade offs?

I've never had a class a amp but am considering one now. So what am I getting myself into?
Kosst, I mentioned that "the interface between class AB amps running in class A going into class B is not rocket science and was perfected years ago" and  also that while I was "Grandstanding a bit, I would guess the majority of great SS amps are class AB, based on sales. Just an assumption on my part."

You responded that class AB amps are akin to Kia's.  Youe clear meaning being they are cheaply build and inexpensive.  You chose to not acknowledge that I specifically mentioned that sonic problems due to the amps going from class A to class B are non existent and that I referred to great SS amps, not Kias level amps.

I'm just saying
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kosst, I don't pretend to understand what would make you say that class AB amps are made with that topology only to be less expensive.  The D'Agostino Momentum monoblock power amplifiers and many other fine AB amps are very expensive in my view of expensive vs. inexpensive.  Lets let this go and I will say ok to whatever.

If what you are saying is that the least expensive class A amp cost more than the least expensive class AB amp I would tend to agree.   
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