Persona 9h vs S3 mk 2

These speakers are roughly in the same ballpark of price and going for a detailed sound. Anyone compare them ?
  So now knowledgeable and informed is consider arrogance? Where did I hear that before? Are you a politician??

BTW, since we seem to have a communication problem, allow me to be clear, I was talking about you and your champion dealer, not Paradigm. I am sure they know what they are doing; they just don't care how it sounds.   
Sciencecop: do you happen to believe in speaker cable, power cable, etc upgrades?  Just curious.  

  Weren't Paradigm's speaker designs by Jerry VanderMarel and later financed and partnered by Scott Bagby who later bought out the Johnson brothers (Sonic Frontiers) or just their failing affordable Anthem tube line?

  Bagby also purchased ML from Gayle Martin Sanders and Ron Logan?

  Did VanderMarel simply leave?

  Its said that CEO Scott Bagby now retains 100% ownership of the three companies and his brother and managing director John now offer audio products at their made all in house affordable price?

  Doesn't that make it easier for a massive production company to be able to offer a much wider margin to its retailers? 

So who are this "experienced" companies current "qualified" engineers that continue to develop all these historical brands?

  What do I know I'm a customer, just asking?  

M-db what point are you trying to raise here?

It seems their lead engineer is a man name Oleg Bogdonov.