McIntosh autoformers vs direct-coupled output

Hi Out there!  I'm just getting back into audio after a 40 year hiatus.  An old "Tube" guy (McIntosh, Marantz, etc)
who didn't much care for the perceived change in sound with the intro of S.S. about 1970.

I happen to like certain features of McIntosh stuff. I'm also of the opinion that older, high grade items, brought
back to specs with judicious restoration, are more than adequate sonically, and a bargain against new.

All that said: I'd greatly appreciate feedback on the issue of McIntosh's Autoformer Amps vs direct-coupled.
Seems there's a serious division of opinion, and I'd like to hear yours!
Thanks for any/all input!
i don't know too much about equipment but i think with the mcintosh autoformers the power is the same into 2,4 and 8 ohms. with a direct-coupled amp the power is different in those 3 different ohms.
I admit that I'm a fan but not a fanatic when it comes to Mac gear. That said, after having owned autoformer coupled pieces and non autoformer coupled, I feel autoformers coupled sounds fuller and more natural.

Now prepare to hear from the Mac Autoformer haters. Where are you georgehifi?
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It is extraordinarily hard to blow a Mac amp. The transformers protect the amp from impedance irregularities and back EMF. Mac amps have this sort of floating smoothness for lack of a better term that many find attractive. On the speakers I use they are not as detailed or dynamic as a direct coupled class A amp but if reliability is your greatest concern Mac is the best.