
I’ve been very happy with my system lately, since I added new speakers and a new amplifier.  I felt it was totally balanced and almost anything I played on it sounded good.  Then a friend came over who had greatly admired my previous system configuration.  This friend owns decidedly mid fi audio equipment  and listens mostly on headphones.
 In short, he didn’t like my current system.
Now, I’m starting to listen to my system through HIS ears and have wondered if it was a mistake to upgrade.
I don’t know if this is a question of perception or weak-mindedness.
So much of the enjoyment of our rigs is in our head.  The system didn’t change.  My perception of it did.
 I now have to fight off his perception and get back to my own.
 I don’t think I’m a unique case. So much of what we perceive in audio is controlled by our psyches.

Have I forgotten anything?

Geoff, what happens when you take the Audiophile out of the room? : )
Often times when a band comes to town, they will play on multiple nights.  Talk to people who have attended all, for this example, three shows...and you will likely get feedback where person one preferred show two...and person two preferred show three...and so on.

How can this be....same band, same venue, same song set, etc. There are a lot of explanations...different mood of the listener each night....different humidity....different temperature....ever so slightly different settings by the sound man....and so on.

No home audio system is a PERFECT representation of live matter how good it may be.  And, because of our own day to day variability as listeners, even the best home systems will provide what seems to be day to day variations in how we hearing and feeling the same song, on the same system, at the same time of day..etc.  Some people resolve this with multiple systems (kind of a today's preferred flavor is X and not Y).

One more comment....I suspect that this is why people who prefer headphones often own multiple headphones....and today choose to listen with headphone A and tomorrow prefer to listen with headphone B.
Perhaps leaving the listening room's a good idea, regarding this issue:  Does anyone else really hate it, when they're singing along with a song, and the artist screws up the lyrics?