which car is sitting in your listening room?

Hello all!

given the expense competent, high value, upper range performing, top flight, and no holds barred SOTA audio systems costs  lately, which car in terms of your ssystems  overall retail price  is waiting for you to rev its engine the next time you fire it up in your listening room?

Ford Escort, Toyota Corolla, Chrysler Mini Van, Camaro Z28, BMW M series, Dodge Viper,Tesla, ‘Vette, Lambo, McClaren, or Bugatti?

Or… ?

where-ever your audio system lands price wise, you choose the relative cost equivalent vehicle as it is now, and or which one you hope to eventually have on the ‘show room’ floor.


I worry that some may think that means his stereo is worth the same as a VW electric bus. But no. He actually has a VW electric bus sitting in his living room. Dude.
It was just my way of saying I’m officially off the grid. Eat my dust, suckers!